Are You Getting Enough Business From Your Website ?
The Changing Face of Commerce & Marketing
There’s no dispute that the traditional channels of doing business are gone or about to disappear altogether as the Internet is taking over as “The Marketplace” globally. Mega corporations have been pouring millions into building, maintaining and advertising their Internet presence, but your phones aren’t exactly ringing off the hook with sales prospects or orders. Because, not enough people know about you or what you’re selling, and you don’t have the big bucks that big business has just to have them click on your website. In 21st century marketing means marketing on the Internet.
What’s In A Name ?
The future of your business.
Let’s find an unforgettable name for you.
What Page Are You On ?
It is a fact that most buyers of goods and services click on organic search engine results, and they don’t bother to go beyond the first few pages…What page are you on?
SEO, Search Engine Optimization
In this age of Internet marketing there are a couple of vital concepts that you should focus on to sell. Keywords, SEO and Content. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. That means optimizing your website to the keywords prospects will use to find you. You may have spent a fortune to build your website and it may look like a million bucks, but without the right search words and compelling content your website will not produce the results you want. There are millions of websites that nobody knows about and will never find searching in search engines.
Do You Have Compelling Content ?
It used to be that you built a website and let it drift up the search engine ranks, and time would take care of the ranking. Some clever operators filled up the pages with meaningless content, hoping that the word count would mislead the search robots into thinking this was a great website. That is no longer the case. Search engines have become much smarter, so as to read what you are writing and how you are writing it. Artificial intelligence now looks at the meaning and how you are getting your message across. Content is the king.
Let Us Put You On The Map !
If you’re not up there yet on search engines, call us or email today for a consultation